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Bari - Between history, traditions and ancient legends

Getting lost in the labyrinthine streets and picturesque alleys of the city of Bari means embarking on a journey into the pulsating heart of Puglia, where history, culture, and tradition merge into a fascinating and engaging mix. The old town of Bari, with its ancient walls and historic monuments, offers an unforgettable experience for visitors eager to discover the hidden treasures of this charming port city.

Basilica of San Nicola: religious and artistic treasure

Among the most representative symbols of Bari stands the majestic Basilica of San Nicola, a masterpiece of Romanesque architecture that houses the relics of the city's patron saint. In addition to the architectural beauty of the structure, visitors can admire the splendid works of art inside the Basilica, including Byzantine mosaics and medieval frescoes, and immerse themselves in the history and devotion surrounding this important religious figure of international relevance.

The feast of San Nicola: a celebration to experience

On December 6th, Bari awakens with the feast of San Nicola, the most important day for its inhabitants. From the early hours of the morning, hundreds of faithful flock to the Basilica to participate in the solemn Mass at 5 o'clock in the morning. A unique ritual, which takes place in a solemn and sacred atmosphere, illuminated only by the light of candles.

It is said that this day was particularly significant for single women, commonly referred to as "zitelle". An ancient legend tells that if a woman walked three times around the Miraculous Column in the Crypt of the Basilica of San Nicola, she would soon find her soulmate.

Another unmissable tradition for this feast day is that of hot chocolate after Mass. For this occasion, many ladies of Bari Vecchia open the doors of their homes to offer a good glass of chocolate and to celebrate together this important day.

The Seafront: a spectacle of sea and local life

For a relaxing and panoramic break, the Seafront of Bari offers an ideal setting. Along the coast, visitors can enjoy a pleasant stroll enveloped by the hospitality of daily life, among fishermen "beating" octopuses on the rocks and small stalls where you can buy freshly caught fish. If you fancy an alternative aperitif, Molo San Nicola is the right place for you: the simplicity of a plate of raw fish and a cold beer will immerse you fully in the Bari lifestyle.

Bari Vecchia: a labyrinth of history and tradition

Finally, to fully experience the authentic atmosphere of Bari, there is nothing better than exploring the old town. Among the narrow alleys and lively squares, you will find craft shops, cozy cafes, and traditional restaurants where you can savor the delicacies of local cuisine, such as the famous "spaghetti all'assassina".

The Orecchiette Street: a must-visit in the city of Bari

In the heart of Bari Vecchia, among the noisy alleys, there is a place where time seems to stand still, the "Orecchiette Street." Officially called Strada Arco Basso, it is characterized by a small arch that once crossed leads into the oldest tradition of Bari Vecchia, that of handmade orecchiette production. The protagonists of this street are the so-called "Ladies of Bari Vecchia," housewives who for generations, with their stalls outside their homes, prepare and sell handmade orecchiette. The quintessential Puglian souvenir.

Bari between history, art and culture

Bari is a city rich in history, culture, and beauty that offers an unforgettable experience for its visitors. With its rich offering of historical attractions, breathtaking landscapes, and vibrant atmosphere, the city of Bari is a must-visit destination for anyone wishing to discover the true spirit of Puglia.

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