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Canale di Pirro: where nature reigns supreme

The Canale di Pirro is located in the central part of Puglia, particularly in the southeastern Murge, within one of the most important karst areas of the region. The Canale di Pirro, geologically known as a polje, is a wide tectonic-karstic depression bordered on both sides by striking escarpments with a total length of about 12 km, embracing the municipalities of Putignano and Gioia del Colle to the west, and stretching to the Murge escarpment to the east, just south of Fasano.

The Origin of the Name: Between History and Legend

For a long time, the Canale di Pirro has evoked the image of Pyrrhus, the legendary king of Epirus, who was in Puglia to support Taranto in the struggle against the Romans in the third century BC. However, despite this legendary connection, historical evidence of Pyrrhus's passage in this area is scarce, making it difficult to attribute the name to the legendary king of Epirus. In reality, the toponym could derive from a reworking of the original name "Canale delle Pile" (singular pila), derived from the Latin "de pile", later transformed into "de pilo", until it became "de piro".

The term "pila" refers to open and wide cisterns, equipped with channels to facilitate the collection and flow of water within the Canal. These piles, built with local limestone rock, are still visible today and represent tangible evidence of the historical past of this land.

The term "Canale" instead, is attributed to the presence of an old watercourse called Cana, of which the actual course is unknown. Its disappearance from the surface has been attributed to deforestation and agricultural practices that have led to changes in land use and the original flow of water.

An Enchanting Natural Oasis

Today, the Canale di Pirro continues to be a place of natural beauty and historical interest, attracting visitors from near and far to explore its wonders and immerse themselves in its rich history. Moreover, the Canale is home to the Grave Rotolo cave, the deepest cave in Puglia which, at the current state of exploration, reaches a depth of -324 m.

Whether you are a history enthusiast, a nature lover, or simply seeking a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of modern life, the Canale di Pirro welcomes you with open arms, ready to enchant you with its timeless beauty and timeless charm. It is an ideal place for a relaxing stroll or a bicycle ride along the panoramic trails that surround it.

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